On 2024-04-07 20:16, Anton Yudin wrote:
I'm running a FreeBSD 14 with two interfaces that use DHCP.
I would like to make one of the interfaces to never set the default
Right now the first interface to be fully up sets the default route.
I tried to set the following in /etc/dhclient.conf
interface "wan1" {
ignore routers;
but the default route still gets set.
Is there a better way of doing this?
What happens if you explicitly set the request statement for each of the
interfaces, including routers in only the one you want as your gateway?
"By default, the DHCPv4 client requests the subnet-mask,
broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, domain-name,
domain-name-servers and host-name options" --dhclient.conf(5)