> On Feb 4, 2024, at 5:58 PM, Benoit Chesneau <beno...@enki-multimedia.eu> 
> wrote:
> Im' using the machine as a gateway and use one of the interface as an OOB 
> access to the applications. I should be able to launch automated commands to 
> re-configure the applications an other network interfaces from this OOB 
> interface. 

I would recommend you employ vnet jails for this kind of setup.

Leave one OOB interface in jail 0 (the host), and move all interfaces those are 
for routing to a dedicated vnet jail.

> The issue I have is that when I update the rc.conf and launch the command 
> `service netif restart` and same for the `routing` it will reset all 
> interfaces and reassign the configuration to them. Which disconnect the 
> client making the upgrade. What would be the way the way to prevent it? 

With dedicated vnet jail for routing (your business), then the setup is much 
clean and clear.

> For now I'm thinking to set the interfaces and routing  separatly but hen I 
> miss the flexibility of rc.conf . Is there another way to do it and ensure an 
> interface won't be resetted?
> BenoƮt

Best regards,

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