On 5 Dec 2023, at 15:21, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
> Changing the mtu wasn't enough. To make it works i had to disable vxlan 
> offload features:
> ```
> ifconfig mce0 -vxlanhwcsum -vxlanhwtso
> ```
> Then suddenly all started to work. The card is the following:
> ```
> mlx5_core1@pci0:17:0:1:       class=0x020000 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x15b3 
> device=0x1015 subvendor=0x1590 subdevice=0x00d4
>     vendor     = 'Mellanox Technologies'
>     device     = 'MT27710 Family [ConnectX-4 Lx]'
>     class      = network
>     subclass   = ethernet
>   PCI-e errors = Correctable Error Detected
>                  Unsupported Request Detected
>      Corrected = Advisory Non-Fatal Error
> ```
> Which is odd. Wonder why it's needed. Thoughts?
Driver bug?

I’m not familiar with the mlx5 driver (or hardware), but that’d be my guess.
The first step in debugging that would be to figure out which one of those 
offload features is responsible, and probably also capturing traffic (outside 
of this machine) to see if anything is sent and if so how it’s broken.

Best regards,

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