
Is this: /usr/src/tools/tools/ifinfo ?


Van: Franco Fichtner <>
Datum: maandag, 20 november 2023 22:23
Aan: Kristof Provost <>
CC: Mike Karels <>, "Mina Galic" <>, Zhenlei Huang 
<>, Kyle Evans <>,
Onderwerp: Re: How to tell if a network interface was renamed (and from what)

FWIW, here is the relevant ifinfo output of a sample machine:

# ifinfo | grep ^Interface
Interface igb0 (igb0):
Interface igb1 (igb1):
Interface igb2 (igb2):
Interface igb3 (igb3):
Interface enc0 (enc0):
Interface lo0 (lo0):
Interface pflog0 (pflog0):
Interface pfsync0 (pfsync0):
Interface lagg0 (lagg0):
Interface igb2_vlan42 (vlan0):
Interface vlan0.1.23 (vlan1):
Interface vlan0.3 (vlan2):
Interface vlan0.5.6.7 (vlan3):
Interface vlan01. (vlan4):
Interface vlan06 (vlan5):
Interface vlan08 (vlan6):
Interface qinq0.123 (vlan7):
Interface gre2 (gre2):
Interface gre0 (gre0):
Interface gif4 (gif4):
Interface gif1 (gif1):
Interface gif0 (gif0):
Interface l2tp0 (ng0):
Interface bridge0 (bridge0):
Interface lo1 (lo1):
Interface lo2 (lo2):
Interface ovpns2 (tap2):
Interface ovpnc1 (tun1):
Interface ovpnc3 (tun3):
Interface ovpns4 (tun4):
Interface wg0 (wg0):
Interface wg1 (wg1):

> On 20. Nov 2023, at 22:16, Franco Fichtner <> wrote:
>> On 20. Nov 2023, at 21:56, Kristof Provost <> wrote:
>> I’d look in the direction of just adding a field to struct ifnet with the 
original interface name (likely easily done in if_attach()), along with a new ioctl 
to retrieve that field.
> ifconfig_get_orig_name() already exists, but apart from wlandebug
> nothing is using it.
> The internally used IFDATA_DRIVERNAME also appears in ifinfo
> (not installed in base) and bsnmpd but that's it.
> if_dname is the target and it exists in ifnet struct along with
> a man page entry in inet(9).
> All that is really missing is a way to print it via ifconfig command.
> Cheers,
> Franco

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