On 11/4/23 03:37, Yuri wrote:
Router is also involved, and the provider's network as well.

But I think that there is a bug in the FreeBSD's network code that it allows a 
slower TCP connection to be hammered like this, unless there is a good 
explanation for this observation.


As you mention router and provider network are involved my first thought is 
bufferbloat. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bufferbloat

As UDP is involved FreeBSD doesn't do any flow control on that traffic and just 
sends as much as the application requests it to do. This is not a bug in 
FreeBSD. The design of the application is to requests FreeBSD to do this by 
using UDP instead of TCP.

A solution to this would be to limit bandwidth of application A (mentioned in your 
original mail) to leave just enough space for application B to perform well. Maybe the 
application has support for this. Otherwise a mechanism like "dummynet" (in 
combination with ipfw firewall) can do this.


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