--- Comment #17 from Patrick M. Hausen <> ---
Unfortunately I cannot boot the board without USB Ethernet connected. It's a
compute module placed into this board:

Also although I tried for a long time I could not get serial console to work.
So once the system crashes at boot and I lose SSH access all I can do is

With a debug kernel will there be more output to get a screenshot with a
camera? Or can I dd the entire EMMC of the module to a file and then extract
information, somehow?

Kind regards,

For the moment I am satisfied to be able to use these tasks in Ansible to solve
the matter:

- name: Read serial number |
    set -o pipefail && /bin/kenv | \
    /usr/bin/awk '/smbios.system.serial/ {printf "%s:%s:%s\n", substr($0,
length($0)-6, 2),  substr($0, length($0)-4, 2),  substr($0, length($0)-2, 2)}'
  register: mac_lower
  changed_when: false

- name: Set MAC address
    dest: "/etc/start_if.{{ network.wired.interface }}"
    owner: root
    group: wheel
    mode: '0644'
    content: |
      /sbin/ifconfig $1 down
      /sbin/ifconfig $1 link b8:27:eb:{{ mac_lower.stdout }}
      /sbin/ifconfig $1 up

Anyway what would be the result if we get this to work? As I have been arguing
on the mailinglist the RPi foundation clearly documents that we should use the
device's serial number to generate the MAC and nothing else for all RPi 3 and

Kind regards,

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