On Sun, 7 Aug 2022 at 09:04, Franco Fichtner <fra...@opnsense.org> wrote:

> > On 7. Aug 2022, at 9:38 AM, Doug Rabson <d...@rabson.org> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure what the problem is here? I'm using dhcpcd client in my
> home lab with pfsense acting as dhcp and dhcp6 server and it works great,
> including prefix delegation. Choosing a new dhcp client in FreeBSD
> certainly doesn't require {pf,opn}sense to use that client.
> Good, but keep in mind that your home lab is not millions of downstream
> users.  ;)

Of course but this argument is confusing - we are talking about DHCP
client, not server.

> > Main thing that's missing for me is dynamic dns - my dhcp server updates
> my local DNS using ddns. This works well for ipv4 and I've been using it
> this way for years. For ipv6, rtsold is limited to handing advertising the
> local prefix. Using dhcpcd for both means I get both A and AAAA records in
> my local DNS which makes me happy.
> Dynamic AAAA records for client leases is a problem, but isn't that also a
> general issue with isc-dhcpd?  What's your main DHCP server for IPv6?

I'm using the pfSense default DHCP server for both IPV4 and IPV4 - as far
as I remember, this is isc-dhcpd and in a previous iteration of my home
infra, I had isc-dhcpd working (with dynamic DNS) for both v4 and v6.

> > Again, not seeing the harm for either OPNsense or pfSense - these
> distributions are free to choose another client.
> If you want to say "not my work, not my harm" that's possibly fine, but not
> well-rounded in a real world setting as indicated by your former status.

I'm saying that the base system's choice of DHCP client has little bearing
on pfSense or OPNsense. I don't understand the comment on 'former status'.

> It is still a lot of work to get it working mostly like it did before and
> at
> least one FreeBSD major release will suffer from the inferiority of
> switching
> to a new integration.  I'm sure disrupting basic IPv4 DHCP capability
> which was
> always working prior will come as a surprise to people involved in green
> lighting
> this, but this is likely an unavoidable consequence of the proposal.

Of course, whatever solution we choose for DHCP needs to be integrated
properly. To be honest, all I want is a DHCPv6 client integrated in base -
I don't care if it's dhcpcd or something else but until we have that, IPv6
is a second class citizen (IMO).


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