--- Comment #2 from Michael Tuexen <> ---
The panic happens on arm64, but not amd64. It does happen when using clang14
(most recent version in the main tree), it does not happen when using clang13.
I also does not happen using clang14 when forcing htcp_recalc_beta() not to be

The panic happens when accessing V_htcp_adaptive_backoff in

I disassembled htcp_recalc_beta() when using clang14 and the function not being
inlined. This is the relevant code:

(kgdb) disassemble htcp_recalc_beta
Dump of assembler code for function htcp_recalc_beta:
  0x00000000000113cc <+0>:      stp     x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
  0x00000000000113d0 <+4>:      mov     x29, sp
  0x00000000000113d4 <+8>:      ldr     x8, [x0]          ; x8 = ccv
  0x00000000000113d8 <+12>:     ldr     x9, [x18]         ; x9 = curthread
  0x00000000000113dc <+16>:     adrp    x10, 0x21000      ; x10 = ???
  0x00000000000113e0 <+20>:     ldr     x9, [x9, #1368]   ; x9 =
  0x00000000000113e4 <+24>:     ldr     x10, [x10, #2168] ; x10 = ???
  0x00000000000113e8 <+28>:     ldr     x9, [x9, #40]     ; x9 =
  0x00000000000113ec <+32>:     ldr     w9, [x9, x10]     ; w9 =
V_htcp_adaptive_backoff ???
  0x00000000000113f0 <+36>:     cbz     w9, 0x11428 <htcp_recalc_beta+92>

I don't understand the computations in relation to x10, which is the offset
used to get the relevant variable.

However, this code works.

Looking at the code generated by clang13 when htcp_recalc_beta() is inlined,
one gets:

  0xffff000150610f28 <+212>:    ldr     x10, [x0]                ; x10 = ccv
  0xffff000150610f2c <+216>:    ldr     x11, [x18]               ; x11 =
  0xffff000150610f30 <+220>:    ldr     x11, [x11, #1368]        ; x11 =
  0xffff000150610f34 <+224>:    ldr     x12, [x11, #40]          ; x12 =
  0xffff000150610f38 <+228>:    adrp    x11, 0xffff000150621000  ; ???
  0xffff000150610f3c <+232>:    ldr     x11, [x11, #2256]        ; ???
  0xffff000150610f40 <+236>:    ldr     w12, [x12, x11]
  0xffff000150610f44 <+240>:    cbz     w12, 0xffff000150610f7c

It looks similar and it does work.

Now comes the inlined code from clang14:

  0xffff0001016acf28 <+212>:    ldr     x10, [x0]         ; x10 = ccv
  0xffff0001016acf2c <+216>:    ldr     x11, [x18]        ; x11 = curthread
  0xffff0001016acf30 <+220>:    ldr     x12, [x11, #1368] ; x12 =
  0xffff0001016acf34 <+224>:    nop
  0xffff0001016acf38 <+228>:    adr     x11, 0xffff0001016bd520
  0xffff0001016acf3c <+232>:    ldr     x12, [x12, #40]   ; x12 =
==>0xffff0001016acf40 <+236>:   ldr     w12, [x12, x11]
  0xffff0001016acf44 <+240>:    cbz     w12, 0xffff0001016acf7c

I reached out at for some help regarding the generated

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