On Sun, May 01, 2022 at 12:58:45PM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:
> Looks like there is some problem getting past
> gig1-1-1.gw.davsca11.sonic.net .

That seems independent of my own internal connection problems,
but worth taking up with my ISP on Monday. Meanwhile, can you
ping any other hosts in the range? All are up
at the moment. Hosts 28 and 24 are the troublemakers. 

If anybody cares there's an ascii-art network diagram at

Not sure it'll survive the mailing list, but here goes:
                      |                  |             | 
                      |                  |             |---Mac workstation
                      |                  |
                      |                  |------printer
    |------ ns1.zefox.net Pi2 12.3 usb-serial----
    |------ ns2.zefox.net Pi2 12.3 usb-serial----
    |------ www.zefox.net Pi2 12.3 usb-serial----
    |------ www.zefox.com Pi2 -current usb-serial---
    |------ pelorus.zefox.org Pi3 13.1 usb-serial---
    |------ nemesis.zefox.com Pi4 -current usb-serial---
    |------ www.zefox.org Pi3 -current usb-serial----

Thanks for your help!

bob prohaska

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