We have infrequent but persistent crashes at work where a part of an iflib_rxq_t
object seems to be overwritten by a sequence of if_rxd_frag objects.
Those if_rxd_frag elements look like a continuation of the ifr_frags array in an
adjacent iflib_rxq_t object.
This happens only on VMWare only with vmxnet3 driver.
Based on the code analysis I think that the only place where the overwrite /
overrun can happen is vmxnet3_isc_rxd_pkt_get(). It writes to the ifr_frags
array (passed in via if_rxd_info_t::iri_frags) and there is no sanity check that
nfrags is below IFLIB_MAX_RX_SEGS.
I guess that the driver relies on a packet never having more than
IFLIB_MAX_RX_SEGS fragments / segments in a descriptor ring because that value
is programmed into nrxsg_max.
So, I am not sure if this is a problem in the driver or a quirk in VMware.
Here is some data to demonstrate the issue:
$1 = (iflib_rxq_t) 0xfffffe00ea9f6200
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[0]
$2 = {irf_flid = 0 '\000', irf_idx = 1799, irf_len = 118}
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[1]
$3 = {irf_flid = 1 '\001', irf_idx = 674, irf_len = 0}
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[2]
$4 = {irf_flid = 1 '\001', irf_idx = 675, irf_len = 0}
... elements 3..62 follow the same pattern ...
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[63]
$6 = {irf_flid = 1 '\001', irf_idx = 736, irf_len = 0}
and then...
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[64]
$7 = {irf_flid = 1 '\001', irf_idx = 737, irf_len = 0}
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[65]
$8 = {irf_flid = 1 '\001', irf_idx = 738, irf_len = 0}
... the pattern continues ...
(kgdb) p $1->ifr_frags[70]
$10 = {irf_flid = 1 '\001', irf_idx = 743, irf_len = 0}
It seems like a start-of-packet completion descriptor referenced a descriptor in
the command ring zero (and apparently it didn't have the end-of-packet bit).
And there were another 70 zero-length completions referencing the ring one until
the end-of-packet.
So, in total 71 fragment was recorded.
Or it's possible that those zero-length fragments were from the penultimate
pkt_get call and ifr_frags[0] was obtained after that...
I am not sure how that could happen.
I am thinking about adding a sanity check for the number of fragments.
Not sure yet what options there are for handling the overflow besides panicing.
Also, some data from the vmxnet3's side of things:
(kgdb) p $15.vmx_rxq[6]
$18 = {vxrxq_sc = 0xfffff80002d9b800, vxrxq_id = 6, vxrxq_intr_idx = 6,
vxrxq_irq = {ii_res = 0xfffff80002f23e00, ii_rid = 7, ii_tag =
0xfffff80002f23d80}, vxrxq_cmd_ring = {{vxrxr_rxd = 0xfffffe00ead3c000,
vxrxr_ndesc = 2048,
vxrxr_gen = 0, vxrxr_paddr = 57917440, vxrxr_desc_skips = 1114,
vxrxr_refill_start = 1799}, {vxrxr_rxd = 0xfffffe00ead44000, vxrxr_ndesc = 2048,
vxrxr_gen = 0, vxrxr_paddr = 57950208, vxrxr_desc_skips = 121,
vxrxr_refill_start = 743}}, vxrxq_comp_ring = {vxcr_u = {txcd =
0xfffffe00ead2c000, rxcd = 0xfffffe00ead2c000}, vxcr_next = 0, vxcr_ndesc =
4096, vxcr_gen = 1, vxcr_paddr = 57851904, vxcr_zero_length = 1044,
vxcr_pkt_errors = 128}, vxrxq_rs = 0xfffff80002d78e00, vxrxq_sysctl =
0xfffff80004308080, vxrxq_name = "vmx0-rx6\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
vxrxr_refill_start values are consistent with what is seen in ifr_frags[].
vxcr_zero_length and vxcr_pkt_errors are both not zero, so maybe something got
the driver into a confused state or the emulated hardware became confused.
Andriy Gapon