On 11/09/2021 17:13, Mark Johnston wrote:
I think the semantic change is ok. Did you change FIONREAD to lock the
sockbuf? I think it would be necessary to avoid races with pulseaudio:
sb_acc is modified before sb_ctl, so there could be windows where
sbavail(sb) - sb->sb_ctl gives a larger.
And, it is not really safe to lock the sockbuf itself, since it may be
overwritten by a listen(2) call. SOCK_RECVBUF_LOCK(so) should be used
I didn't think about the locking, so I didn't add it.
My current patch is trivial:
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ soo_ioctl(struct file *fp, u_long cmd, void *data, struct
ucred *active_cred,
if (SOLISTENING(so)) {
error = EINVAL;
} else {
- *(int *)data = sbavail(&so->so_rcv);
+ *(int *)data = sbavail(&so->so_rcv) - so->so_rcv.sb_ctl;
Let me try adding the lock.
Thank you again!
Andriy Gapon