
I have discovered that I had a multicast issue for years I did not know about. 
I use a FreeBSD (opnsense) setup as router for my home network and have 
igmpproxy for IPTV. Somehow everything seems to work, until I realized that my 
ISP was making a DoS with multicast. It is pretty much what was described years 
ago here: 
 But the solution of not using FreeBSD seem weird. So dug a lot learning about 
Multicast IGMPv{2,3} etc in the process. Here is an abstract of what I found:

igmpproxy is performing "correctly" in that it will act upon to IGMPv2 Join 
request from the TV box by joining the multicast groups correctly.
When the TV Box sends an IGMPv2 Leave request, igmpproxy will remove the source 
IP from the multicast table on the interface (the code is here 
 this same call is used for joining and leaving).

This is where things start to go awry, as the action igmpproxy takes is not 
considered leaving the Multicast Group, so when the upstream multicast router 
sends an IGMPv3 Query, the Multicast Group is still listed in the IGMPv3 Report 
but in Exclude mode with the source listed in the excluded IPs.
My ISP sees that the Group is still listed so it continues to send the 
multicast traffic apparently ignoring that the source is Excluded.

Worst part is that killing igmpproxy changes nothing because the IGMPv3 Report 
is still sent (by the kernel I suppose since nothing should be running anymore) 
and includes the Multicast Groups as before. The only thing that resets the 
state of the Group Membership is bringing down the interface and reconfiguring 

Is this caused by a wrong "leave" handling by igmpproxy? (if yes is there an 
alternative ?) Is there any way to manually leaving Multicast Groups? I can see 
the Multicast forwarding table while igmpproxy is running with "netstat -g". I 
can also see the group membership state with "ifmcstat -i re1" but I have found 
no way to actually modify the membership of the interface.

Extra info:
When igmpproxy is running I can see two different kinds of entries in the 
Multicast Forwarding Table. For a Multicast group that is currently "joined" 
according to igmpproxy I can see a line something like:
IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Table
 Origin          Group             Packets In-Vif  Out-Vifs:Ttls       10763  2

For a multicast group that was previously joined but should not be anymore I 
IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Table
 Origin          Group             Packets In-Vif  Out-Vifs:Ttls           0  65535   

ifmcstat shows the multicast groups, with exclude mode set:
# ifmcstat -i re1
        inet $MY_PUBLIC_IP
        igmpv3 rv 2 qi 30 qri 50 uri 3
                group mode exclude
                        mcast-macaddr 01:00:5e:3a:40:47
                group mode exclude
                        mcast-macaddr 01:00:5e:3a:46:25
                group mode exclude
                        mcast-macaddr 01:00:5e:3a:44:f2
                group mode exclude
                        mcast-macaddr 01:00:5e:3a:44:b2
                group mode exclude
                        mcast-macaddr 01:00:5e:3a:44:14
                group mode exclude
                        mcast-macaddr 01:00:5e:3a:44:03

Best regards,
Diego Abelenda

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