On Thursday, May 28, 2020, Anthony Arnaud <antho.arnaudi...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone!
> I would like to create a vale switch with an interface attached with the
> host stack and some virtual.
> My env is a VM with FBSD-12.1 12.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE r354233
> GENERIC  amd64
> and VirtIO support.
> I performed:
> vale-ctl -h vale0:vtnet1
> vale-ctl -n vi0
> vale-ctl -a vale0:vi0
> 615.925514 bdg_ctl [149] bridge:0 port:0 vale0:vtnet1
> 615.925559 bdg_ctl [149] bridge:0 port:1 vale0:vtnet1^
> 615.925572 bdg_ctl [149] bridge:0 port:2 vale0:vi0
> vtnet1 is configured as mirror port.
> But if:
> tcpdump -i vtnet1
> or
> tcpdump -i vale0:vi0
> why can't I see any TCP packets?
> UDP and ICMP packet are ok.
> Without vale switch tcpdump show all TCP packets correctly.

You have to disable checksum offloading on vtnet1.


It is a bug?
> Thanks to all!
> <freebsd-net@freebsd.org>
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