07.10.2019 8:21, Alexander N. Lunev via freebsd-net пишет:
I've tested with tcpdump, and here's what i found:

> Host interfaces:
> em0 up
> vlan22 vlandev em0 vlan22
> epair0a - part of epair for jail foo
> bridge0 addm epair0 addm em0

> Jail foo interfaces:
> epair0b up (vnet interface)
> vlan22 vlandev epair0b vlan22

I found that there's already reported a bug 240106.

Just to spread the word - I've added comment about my situation with some more test with tcpdump:


To make it short here: if I add static ARP entries for IPs on host's and jail's vlan interfaces, then ICMP requests reach host's vlan interface, but replies doesn't return to jail. All tcpdump output is in my comment in PR, see link.

Best regards,
Alexander Lunev
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