What's your firewall ruleset look like?  (show, don't tell)

What does sysctl report on the interfaces and on arp?

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 9:15 AM Dan Lists <lists....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a server running FreeBSD 11.2 that I am wanting to use as a bridged
> firewall.  I have it set up and it mostly works.   The problem is that ARP
> replies are not being forwarded from the outside interface to the inside
> interface.   It appears to be working in the other direction.  I see the
> ARP request go out on the outside interface and the reply arrives back at
> the outside interface.   The ARP reply is never getting to the bridge or to
> the inside interface.
> The firewall server and the device behind it are in ESX.   I think I've
> worked all the ESX issues out.  When I manually add an ARP entry everything
> works.   I've done this before with a physical server running FreeBSD 8.4
> and it works as expected.   The differences are physical vs virtual, and
> 8.4 vs 11.2.
> I'm at a loss as to why it is not working.   I've searched the web and
> found noting.  If anyone could offer suggestions on how to fix this or
> begin to debug it I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Dan
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