On 11/02/17 08:09, Alexander Zagrebin wrote:
В Wed, 1 Nov 2017 16:01:18 +0100
Andrea Venturoli <m...@netfence.it> пишет:

It seems it's offtopic here, but I'll try to answer.

I was going to write to -port, but wrote -net in the end...

To setup a new samba46-based domain controller on ZFS in jail (I'm
using it with the VIMAGE) you can try following:

I'm not using VIMAGE (at least not yet).

1. Rebuild the net/samba46 port with the attached patches
    (patch-librpc__idl__xattr.idl, patch-python__samba__provision____init__.py)

2. Initialize new domain with the following command (the last two
    parameters makes magic):
    samba-tool domain provision --use-rfc2307 \
     --host-name=<YOUR_DC_NAME> \
     --realm=<YOUR_REALM> \
     --domain=<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME> \
     --adminpass=<password> \
     --option="vfs objects = acl_xattr" \
     --option="acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes"

3. After successful provisioning, edit /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf:
    - remove or comment out
      vfs objects = acl_xattr
      acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes
    - add the following:
      vfs objects = zfsacl
      nfs4:mode = special
      nfs4:acedup = merge
      nfs4:chown = yes

4. Execute `samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset`

5. Start samba

Looks like it worked.
Hope I don't get any suprise in the deployment phase...

Thank you very much!!!

It is not ideal solution, but it seems to be working,
despite there are another resolvable issues (with BIND9_DLZ
and so on)...

I'm using internal DNS, anyway...

I've sent patches to the port maintainer, but have no answer.

Perhaps you could try and file a bug report?
At the very least users would be able to find your patches.

 bye & Thanks
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