Dnia piątek, 21 lipca 2017 17:09:35 CEST Eugene Grosbein pisze:
> 20.07.2017 23:17, Kajetan Staszkiewicz пишет:
> > Hey group,
> > 
> > Can I somehow make IPsec encryption to happen AFTER routing decision and
> > ensure that it happens only when traffic leaves via specified interface?
> You may want to upgrade to 11.1-RELEASE and utilize its new if_ipsec(4)
> feature targeted for creating route-based VPNs.
> https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=if_ipsec&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpa
> th=FreeBSD+11.1-RELEASE&arch=default&format=html

This seems promising. I understand that it would replace if_enc which I have  
enabled to properly firewall tunnel mode IPsec.

I also run multiple gif + transport mode tunnels, those never needed if_enc 
and were never prone to bug 220217. Now with if_enc the de-IPsec-ed gif 
traffic passes via single common enc0. I would be so happy to get rid of 
if_enc again.

Unfortunately I don't see much information how to make it work with 
Strongswan. Any hints?

| pozdrawiam / greetings | powered by Debian, FreeBSD and CentOS |
|  Kajetan Staszkiewicz  | jabber,email: vegeta()tuxpowered net  |
|        Vegeta          | www: http://vegeta.tuxpowered.net     |

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