On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 3:13 AM, Caraballo-vega, Jordan A.
(GSFC-6062)[COMPUTER SCIENCE CORP] <jordancaraball...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As a summarywe have a Dell R530 with a Chelsio T580 cardwith -CURRENT.
> In an attempt to reduce the time the system was taking to look for the
> cpus; we changed the BIOS setting to let the system have 8 visible cores
> and tested cxl* and vcxl* chelsio interfaces. Scores are still way lower
> than what we expected:
> Based on previous scores with Centos 7 (over 3M pps), we can assume that
> it is not the hardware. However, we are still looking for a reason of
> why are we getting these scores.
> Any feedback or suggestion would be highly appreciated.
​During your bench load, can you display​

​each queue usage of your cxl interface and post the result here ?

You can use this python script (from Alexander Chernikov):

Here is an example showing traffic shared between all 8 queues:

[root@hp]~# nic-queue-usage cxl0
[Q0   346K/s] [Q1   343K/s] [Q2   339K/s] [Q3   338K/s] [Q4   338K/s] [Q5
338K/s] [Q6   343K/s] [Q7   346K/s] [QT  2734K/s  3269K/s ->     0K/s]
[Q0   347K/s] [Q1   344K/s] [Q2   339K/s] [Q3   339K/s] [Q4   338K/s] [Q5
338K/s] [Q6   343K/s] [Q7   346K/s] [QT  2735K/s  3277K/s ->     0K/s]
[Q0   344K/s] [Q1   341K/s] [Q2   338K/s] [Q3   338K/s] [Q4   337K/s] [Q5
337K/s] [Q6   342K/s] [Q7   345K/s] [QT  2727K/s  3262K/s ->     0K/s]
[Q0   355K/s] [Q1   352K/s] [Q2   348K/s] [Q3   349K/s] [Q4   348K/s] [Q5
347K/s] [Q6   352K/s] [Q7   355K/s] [QT  2809K/s  3381K/s ->     0K/s]
[Q0   351K/s] [Q1   348K/s] [Q2   344K/s] [Q3   343K/s] [Q4   342K/s] [Q5
344K/s] [Q6   349K/s] [Q7   352K/s] [QT  2776K/s  3288K/s ->     0K/s]
[Q0   344K/s] [Q1   341K/s] [Q2   338K/s] [Q3   339K/s] [Q4   338K/s] [Q5
338K/s] [Q6   343K/s] [Q7   346K/s] [QT  2731K/s  3261K/s ->     0K/s]

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