In article <> you write:
>Eg, I don't see why we need another tool for some of this missing
>"ethtool" functionality; it seems like most of it would naturally fit
>into ifconfig.

>From the end-user perspective, I agree with Drew.  Most of this stuff
should just be part of ifconfig.

>As to other features, like writing firmware images and/or reading
>dumping eeprom -- these were never a natural fit for us.

And I can't say that I've ever wanted to do this.  Most of the
machines we buy these days are Dells, and Dell USC takes care of all
the firmware updates.  Having a not-really-generic firmware
programming interface that only works for network interfaces seems
like very limited value.  I wouldn't object to it, but I doubt I'd
ever use it, and I expect most vendors will want to keep tighter
control over applying firmware updates.


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