I don't think there is any hard limitation on the total number
of pipes, very likely the number (64) is just some arbitrary
limit that we set, and can be increased through a sysctl or
worst case a compile time constant.

Please have a look at the source code if you can find where
you are hitting the limit, and which parameters are involved.
In case you don't find it, get back to us in a week (we are
busy on a deadline at the moment).

Note that you should look at the netmap code on github, the one in
the freebsd tree is not up to date.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Slawa Olhovchenkov <s...@zxy.spb.ru> wrote:
> I am wrote NETMAP application and meet some limitation.
> I am use server 16-core server.
> Workers thread run mostly independend, with minimal interworking.
> I am use balancer threads for distributing packet flow between worker
> threads.
> I am using two NETMAP pipes between balancer and workers.
> As result, for case of 4 balancer and 12 workers I am need 4x12x2 = 96
> pipes. NETMAP have limitation of 64 pipes.
> May be exist more optimal way?
> May be I can emulate tilera way, with bufers credits?
> (In this case balancer give RX buffers, confirm to kernel and pass it
> to worker. kernel reduce credit, used for reciving other buffer from
> pool. After complete worker pass buffer to balancer and balancer
> return buffer to kernel, kernel rise credits and put free buffer to
> pool).
> In this case I am not need to many pipes and not limited performance
> by too long processing of one packet.
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