
according to my provider, both the IPv6 and the default gateway for my
virtual server are sent via router advertisements. So, I have the
following in rc.conf:

ifconfig_vtnet0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"

Although the machine gets an IPv6, the inet6 default route is not added.
Why is that? Something else I need to include? (Interestingly, these
were the default settings in rc.conf that I get with a fresh install
from my provider. Nevertheless, they don't seem to work.)

Well, I thought "no problem" and added the following line:


But still, after rebooting there is no default route visible when
I `netstat -6rn`. Following this, the server is not connected via IPv6.

However, if I run

route -6 add default <IPv6-gateway>

manually, the route will be added without problems and I get IPv6
connectivity. Why is that?

Do I need an additional setting for the server to accept the advertised
default route?


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