This looks mostly sensible. hm!


On 13 January 2016 at 11:55, Karim Fodil-Lemelin
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've hit a very interesting problem with ipfw-nat and local TCP traffic that
> has enough TCP options to hit a special case in m_megapullup(). Here is the
> story:
> I am using the following NIC:
> igb0@pci0:4:0:0:        class=0x020000 card=0x00008086 chip=0x150e8086
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
> And when I do ipfw nat to locally emitted packets I see packets not being
> processed in the igb driver for HW checksum. Now a quick search for m_pullup
> in the igb driver code will show that our igb driver expects a contiguous
> ethernet + ip header in igb_tx_ctx_setup(). Now the friendly m_megapullup()
> in alias.c doesn't reserve any space before the ip header for the ethernet
> header after its call to m_getcl like tcp_output.c (see m->m_data +=
> max_linkhdr in tcp_output.c).
> So the call to M_PREPEND() in ether_output() is forced to prepend a new mbuf
> for the ethernet header, leading to a non contiguous ether + ip. This in
> turn leads to a failure to properly read the IP protocol in the igb driver
> and apply the proper HW checksum function. Particularly this call in
> igb_tcp_ctx_setup(): ip = (struct ip *)(mp->m_data + ehdrlen);
> To reproduce the issue I simply create a NAT rule for an igb interface and
> initiate a TCP connection locally going out through that interface (it
> should go through NAT obviously) something like:
> ipfw nat 1 config igb0 reset
> ipfw add 10 nat 1 via igb0
>  Although you need to make sure you fill enough of the SYN packet to trigger
> the allocation of new memory in m_megapullup. You can do this by using
> enough TCP options so its filling up almost all of the 256 mbuf or make
> RESERVE something like 300 bytes in alias.c.
> The fix I propose is very simple and faster for all drivers, including the
> ones that do perform a check for ether + ip to be contiguous upon accessing
> the IP header. If the leading space is available it doesn't allocate any
> extra space (as it should for most cases) but if for some reason the mbuf
> used doesn't have 100 bytes (RESERVE in megapullup) of free space it will
> reserve some at the front too. If the leading space isn't necessary then it
> won't cause any harm.
> -Subproject commit cfe39807fe9b1a23c13f73aabde302046736fa1c
> +Subproject commit cfe39807fe9b1a23c13f73aabde302046736fa1c-dirty
> diff --git a/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
> b/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
> index 876e958..dc424a6 100644
> --- a/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
> +++ b/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
> @@ -1757,7 +1757,8 @@ m_megapullup(struct mbuf *m, int len) {
>          * writable and has some extra space for expansion.
>          * XXX: Constant 100bytes is completely empirical. */
>  #define        RESERVE 100
> -   if (m->m_next == NULL && M_WRITABLE(m) && M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) >= RESERVE)
> + if (m->m_next == NULL && M_WRITABLE(m) &&
> +                 M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) >= RESERVE && M_LEADINGSPACE(m) >=
> max_linkhdr)
>                 return (m);
>         if (len <= MCLBYTES - RESERVE) {
> @@ -1779,6 +1780,7 @@ m_megapullup(struct mbuf *m, int len) {
>                 goto bad;
>         m_move_pkthdr(mcl, m);
> + mcl->m_data += max_linkhdr;
>         m_copydata(m, 0, len, mtod(mcl, caddr_t));
>         mcl->m_len = mcl->m_pkthdr.len = len;
>         m_freem(m);
> It would be nice if some FBSD comitter could review and hopefully add this
> patch to FBSD.
> Thank you,
> Karim.
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