
           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #2 from ---

I believe I have fixed something like this recently please see a post I just


I've hit a very interesting problem with ipfw-nat and local TCP traffic that
has enough TCP options to hit a special case in m_megapullup(). Here is the

I am using the following NIC:

igb0@pci0:4:0:0:        class=0x020000 card=0x00008086 chip=0x150e8086 rev=0x01

And when I do ipfw nat to locally emitted packets I see packets not being
processed in the igb driver for HW checksum. Now a quick search for m_pullup in
the igb driver code will show that our igb driver expects a contiguous ethernet
+ ip header in igb_tx_ctx_setup(). Now the friendly m_megapullup() in alias.c
doesn't reserve any space before the ip header for the ethernet header after
its call to m_getcl like tcp_output.c (see m->m_data += max_linkhdr in

So the call to M_PREPEND() in ether_output() is forced to prepend a new mbuf
for the ethernet header, leading to a non contiguous ether + ip. This in turn
leads to a failure to properly read the IP protocol in the igb driver and apply
the proper HW checksum function. Particularly this call in igb_tcp_ctx_setup():
ip = (struct ip *)(mp->m_data + ehdrlen);

To reproduce the issue I simply create a NAT rule for an igb interface and
initiate a TCP connection locally going out through that interface (it should
go through NAT obviously) something like:

ipfw nat 1 config igb0 reset
ipfw add 10 nat 1 via igb0

 Although you need to make sure you fill enough of the SYN packet to trigger
the allocation of new memory in m_megapullup. You can do this by using enough
TCP options so its filling up almost all of the 256 mbuf or make RESERVE
something like 300 bytes in alias.c.

The fix I propose is very simple and faster for all drivers, including the ones
that do perform a check for ether + ip to be contiguous upon accessing the IP
header. If the leading space is available it doesn't allocate any extra space
(as it should for most cases) but if for some reason the mbuf used doesn't have
100 bytes (RESERVE in megapullup) of free space it will reserve some at the
front too. If the leading space isn't necessary then it won't cause any harm.

-Subproject commit cfe39807fe9b1a23c13f73aabde302046736fa1c
+Subproject commit cfe39807fe9b1a23c13f73aabde302046736fa1c-dirty
diff --git a/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
index 876e958..dc424a6 100644
--- a/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
+++ b/freebsd/sys/netinet/libalias/alias.c
@@ -1757,7 +1757,8 @@ m_megapullup(struct mbuf *m, int len) {
         * writable and has some extra space for expansion.
         * XXX: Constant 100bytes is completely empirical. */
 #define        RESERVE 100
-   if (m->m_next == NULL && M_WRITABLE(m) && M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) >= RESERVE)
+ if (m->m_next == NULL && M_WRITABLE(m) &&
+                 M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) >= RESERVE && M_LEADINGSPACE(m) >=
                return (m);

        if (len <= MCLBYTES - RESERVE) {
@@ -1779,6 +1780,7 @@ m_megapullup(struct mbuf *m, int len) {
                goto bad;

        m_move_pkthdr(mcl, m);
+ mcl->m_data += max_linkhdr;
        m_copydata(m, 0, len, mtod(mcl, caddr_t));
        mcl->m_len = mcl->m_pkthdr.len = len;

It would be nice if some FBSD comitter could review and hopefully add this
patch to FBSD.

Thank you,


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