On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:14 AM, Pradosh Datta <pradosh.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the netmap on vmware in CentOS guests, I am able to use
> netmap with the e1000 driver on vmware (though the throughput is close to
> line speed).
> But is there any way to use the netmap with vmxnet3? Is there any patch
> available to support that? Or any suggestion on how can I achieve
> high-packet-rate between vm-to-vm using netmap?

The vm-to-vm bottleneck is typically in the hypervisor (vmware) and the
switch (in this case it may be the linux bridge in centos).

I am afraid just using netmap in the guest won't help you much in this respect.
See our ANCS'13 paper
for what you can expect (look at the unmodified hypervisor/linux bridge case).

This said, you can always use netmap (in emulated mode) on any network interface
in the guest.


> Best Regards,
> Pradosh
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