On 2015-12-18 00:48, Garrett Wollman wrote:
I'm a bit new to managing jails, and one of the things I'm finding I
need is a way for jails to have their own private loopback interfaces
-- so that things like sendmail and local DNS resolvers actually work
right without explicit configuration.  Is there any way of making this
work short of going all the way to full VIMAGE?  (I'm reluctant to do
the latter because it then means I have to carry two separate kernels,
one for performance and one for jail hosts.)  Or is VIMAGE cheap
enough that I won't notice the performance hit?  Does that even get me
to where I need to be (with each jail having its own

You can create additional loopback interfaces for jails that
need them, e.g.

  cloned_interfaces="lo1 lo2 lo3"

or from a command line:

  ifconfig lo1 create up

then assign them a unique address (through a jail setting), either from
the range (like, or some other private
non-routable address, possibly an IPv6 address. In a jail you will
then need to use this unique address for inter-process communication
over a lo1 loopback interface.


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