IMHO, the patch introduces a layering violation, which is bad. This would
lead to problems in future. From a quick look I don't see any right now,
and patch is compatible with carp(4) just accidentially :)
I would suggest the following approach:

1) Network protocols should register theirselves on the ifnet_link_event
2) The inet4 should send gratutious ARP on this event.
3) The inet6 should send NA.

As you see the patch would be entirely not about lagg(4) :)

We've got some minor obstacles on the suggested way:

- The if_link_state_change() function suppresses any processing if the link
  hasn't changed, for example UP -> UP event.

We can overcome this by adding a new pseudo state LINK_STATE_UPAGAIN (or
imagine). This pseudo state can't be stored in the ifp->if_link_state, but
it can be used to keep the state LINK_STATE_UP, but force triggering link
state hooks.

I think this approach is more clean and error prone. It can lead only to
extraneous gratutious ARP sent in some cases, which is not critical.
Hi Gleb I know this is an old one, but I've picked it up as I'm going to
need it fixed for a project that goes live before Christmas. TBH I'm
quite surprised that this is still an issue, as it makes failover mode
pretty useless, in its current form.

As I understand you're proposal, it was to have each protocol e.g.
ipv4, ipv6 register an ifnet_link_event handler. This when combined with
lagg_linkstate using LINK_STATE_UPAGAIN (or some other name for it)
to ensure that ifnet_link_event is fired so that even when lagg failover
mode transitions from backup link to master link live, hence laggX going
from UP(backup) -> UP(master) a broadcast is still triggered.

Would this be a correct summary of your proposal?

One thing that springs to mind is to avoid introducing a new if_link_state
value and instead have lagg invoke the event directly in this special case.
This is it would avoid the unnecessary do_link_state_change call and all
the processing associated with that which is unneeded and could have
unintended side effects.

Alternatively still have the additional link_state but have
if_link_state_change process it directly without enqueueing the task for
do_link_state_change, which keeps the layer separation more strictly.

What do you think?


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