On 06.11.2015 07:59, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:
>> Eugene Grosbein wrote on 11/05/2015 18:06:
>>> Yes, it is. And there is a solution:
>>> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=165174
>> I don't understand why such useful patches are left uncommited and without
>> any comments in PR for years.
> This is not official project policy, but in future, I recommend that for
> submitting patches to the
> project, people try to use the steps at: https://wiki.freebsd.org/CodeReview
> to submit the patch to Phabricator.
> As a FreeBSD developer, I personally find that Phabricator is easier to
> work with patches thatn Bugzilla.
> Other FreeBSD developers may disagree with me, but more FreeBSD developers
> are starting to use Phabricator.

I've just read https://wiki.freebsd.org/CodeReview and registered at 
It seems more developer-centric (it needs commit-messages etc.)
and over-complicated for non-developer reporting small bug and supplying small 

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