Kubilay Kocak wrote this message on Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 01:13 +1000:
> Perhaps a net-bugs or similar?

I both like this idea and don't like this idea...  I understand part
of the point to pointing them at the public list is to gain more
exposure to the bugs, but Bugzilla's assault on my mailboxes has been
soo bad (and the lack of a CLI for it, which has now been fixed by
Philip Gollucci w/ freebsd-bugzilla-cli) that I've been marking all
Bugzilla email as read...

I have a feeling that most people on the list can't or don't want to
deal with it, and by moving it to a different list, the people who
can and will do something about it can subscribe, the problem is
getting those people subscribed...  If we don't get enough people
subscribed, then there isn't much point...

btw, if this works, we should do it for all the main categories..

  John-Mark Gurney                              Voice: +1 415 225 5579

     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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