Hi Adrian,

It is my understanding that you are maintaining the RSS code. The Panasas
folks have this question for you.

We are doing our testing w/ 11-CURRENT, but we will initially ship Intel
XL710 40G NIC (Fortville)
running on 10.1-RELEASE or 10.2-RELEASE. The presence of RSS - even though
it is disabled by default - makes
the driver back-port non-trivial. Is there an estimate on when the
11-CURRENT version of the ixl driver (1.4.1)
and (especially) the supporting RSS code infrastructure will get MFCed to


On 5/26/15 5:58 PM, "Adrian Chadd" <adr...@freebsd.org> wrote:

>Try enabling RSS and PCBGROUPS on -HEAD. The ixl driver should work.
>(I haven't tested it though; I've had other things going on here.)
>On 21 May 2015 at 15:20, Lakshmi Narasimhan Sundararajan
><lakshm...@msystechnologies.com> wrote:
>> Hi FreeBSD Team!
>> We seem to have found a problem to Tx performance.
>> We found that the tx handling is spread on all CPUs causing probably
>>cache trashing resulting in poor performance.
>> But once we used cpuset to bind interrupt thread and iperf process to
>>the same CPU, performance was close to line rate. I used userland cpuset
>>command to perform this manually. I want this constrained in the kernel
>>config/code through some tunables, and I am seeking your help/pointers
>>in that regard.
>> My followup questions are as follows.
>> a) How are Tx interrupts steered from the NIC to the CPU on the
>>transmit path? Would tx_complete# interrupt for packets transmitted from
>>CPU#x, be serviced on the same CPU? If not, how to get this binding done?
>> b) I would like to use a pool of CPUs dedicated to service NIC
>>interrupts. Especially on the transmit path, I would want the
>>tx_interrupts to be handled on the same CPU on which request was
>>submitted. How to get this done?
>> I played with the current ISR setting but I did not see any difference
>>in how Interrupts are scheduled across CPU. The max interrupt threads
>>even though set to one, the interrupt threads are scheduled on any CPU.
>>Even if I set bindthreads to Œ1¹. There is no difference in interrupt
>>thread scheduling.
>> root@mau-da-27-4-1:~ # sysctl net.isr
>> net.isr.dispatch: direct
>> net.isr.maxthreads: 1
>> net.isr.bindthreads: 0
>> net.isr.maxqlimit: 10240
>> net.isr.defaultqlimit: 256
>> net.isr.maxprot: 16
>> net.isr.numthreads: 1
>> I would sincerely appreciate if you can provide some pointers on these
>>items above.
>> Thanks
>> LN
>> From: Pokala, Ravi
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:34 AM
>> To: freebsd-net@freebsd.org, j...@freebsd.org, e...@freebsd.org
>> Cc: freebsd-hack...@freebsd.org, Lewis, Fred, Sundararajan, Lakshmi
>> Hi folks,
>> At Panasas, we are working with the Intel XL710 40G NIC (aka Fortville),
>> and we're seeing some performance issues w/ 11-CURRENT (r282653).
>>     Motherboard: Intel S2600KP (aka Kennedy Pass)
>>     CPU: E5-2660 v3 @ 2.6GHz (aka Haswell Xeon)
>>         (1 socket x 10 physical cores x 2 SMT threads) = 20 logical
>>     NIC: Intel XL710, 2x40Gbps QSFP, configured in 4x10Gbps mode
>>     RAM: 4x 16GB DDR4 DIMMs
>> What we've seen so far:
>>   - TX performance is pretty consistently lower than RX performance. All
>> numbers below are for unidrectional tests using `iperf':
>>         10Gbps links    threads/link    TX Gbps     RX Gbps     TX/RX
>>         1               1               9.02        9.85        91.57%
>>         1               8               8.49        9.91        85.67%
>>         1               16              7.00        9.91        70.63%
>>         1               32              6.68        9.92        67.40%
>>   - With multiple active links, both TX and RX performance suffer
>> the aggregate bandwidth tops out at about a third of the theoretical
>> 40Gbps implied by 4x 10Gbps.
>>         10Gbps links    threads/link    TX Gbps     RX Gbps     % of
>>         4               1               13.39       13.38       33.4%
>>   - Multi-link bidirectional throughput is absolutely terrible; the
>> aggregate is less than a tenth of the theoretical 40Gbps.
>>         10Gbps links    threads/link    TX Gbps     RX Gbps     % of
>>         4               1               3.83        2.96        9.6% /
>>   - Occasional interrupt storm messages are seen from the IRQs
>> with the NICs. Since that can impact performance, those runs were not
>> included in the data listed above.
>> Our questions:
>>   - How stable is ixl(4) in -CURRENT? By that, we mean both how quickly
>> the driver changing, and does the driver cause any system instability?
>>   - What type of performance have others been getting w/ Fortville? In
>> 40Gbps mode? In 4x10Gbps mode?
>>   - Does anyone have any tuning parameters they can recommend for this
>> card?
>>   - We did our testing w/ 11-CURRENT, but we will initially ship
>> running on 10.1-RELEASE or 10.2-RELEASE. The presence of RSS - even
>> it is disabled by default - makes the driver back-port non-trivial. Is
>> there an estimate on when the 11-CURRENT version of the driver (1.4.1)
>> will get MFCed to 10-STABLE?
>> My colleagues Lakshmi and Fred (CCed) are working on this; please make
>> sure to include them if you have any comments.
>> Thanks,
>> Ravi
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