(Fixing the subject header. Oops)

On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 20:08:54 +0200, Nikolay Denev <nik...@cytexbg.com> said:

    > It's not ng_netflow, but if you need this today you can take a
    > look at http://www.pmacct.net ? (there is a package/port too).
    > It comes with BGP daemon (stripped down quagga) and can export
    > this data.

Hi Nikolay. Thanks, we are actually doing exactly that, so there's no
immediate pressure. It's just not the most elegant solution for
various reasons.

William Waites <wwai...@tardis.ed.ac.uk>  |  School of Informatics
   http://tardis.ed.ac.uk/~wwaites/       | University of Edinburgh
       http://www.hubs.net.uk/            |      HUBS AS60241

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