> On Nov 1, 2014, at 1:53 AM, Rui Paulo <rpa...@me.com> wrote:
>> I find the man pages for dhcp6 pretty awful.  The man pages describe the
>> options - but not being able to find what /64 is assigned to dhcp6c other
>> than running in debug mode seems crazy.
> There's an alternative: dhclient from ports which includes DHCPv6 support 
> with prefix delegation.

Chris' config error caused dhcp6c not to configure his downstream interface.

dhclient from ports will only work with the default prefix length assigned by 
the provider. For all providers I have encountered, this is /64 and a good 
choice. But if you want multiple /64's for multiple interfaces, you have to 
request a larger prefix (/56 or /60 depending on the policy of the provider). 
dhclient in ports will not let you do this.

In Chris' case, he only has a single downstream interface (for now) and so 
dhclient in ports would work for that.

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