On 22.09.2014 23:46, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes.
> * grab an ixgbe NIC and the -HEAD driver; (or cxgbe - I haven't gone
> and written RSS programming code for that just yet);
> * patch it to use a symmetric RSS key;
> * configure up N queues;
> * run an instance of snort on each TX/RX ring from the NIC.
Oh, wow.
I have a low priority task to do that.
Nice to see this in stock fbsd!

> The last step requires that you have snort use netmap rather than just
> straight bpf - or maybe somehow there's a way to glue bpf into a
> single netmap ring.
I've wrote snort netmap DAG once, but it does not play well w/o
symmetric rss.
I've see if I can share it.
> I haven't wrapped all of this up and thrown it into FreeBSD-HEAD yet,
> but i know that a symmetric RSS key works fine on 82599 hardware with
> a fixed driver.
Greate, thanks!
> -a
> On 22 September 2014 12:06, Elof Ofel <elof...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nikolay.
>> Unfortunetly no, that's not a solution.
>> mon0 could in theory be a bridge0 with four 10 GE interfaces = 40 Gbps 
>> theoretical input that need to be distributed over multiple virtual NICs. 
>> Also, I have no control of the mirrored traffic, so it would be hard for me 
>> to build and maintain bpf filters that tries to roughly balance the 
>> bandwidth load.
>> Any other suggestions?
>> /Elof
>>> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:45:28 +0200
>>> Subject: Re: How do I balance bandwidth over several virtual NICs?
>>> From: nik...@cytexbg.com
>>> To: elof...@hotmail.com
>>> CC: freebsd-net@freebsd.org
>>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Elof Ofel <elof...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I have a single NIC, mon0, that constantly receive 800 Mbps of mirrored 
>>>> traffic.
>>>> I want to split these 800 Mbps into smaller chunks and feed them to a 
>>>> couple of virtual interfaces.
>>>> Each virtual interface can then have instance of 'snort' inspecting its 
>>>> traffic.
>>>> Say approximately 200 Mbps per interface = four interfaces.
>>>> That way, each of the four snort processes only get 200 Mbps of data to 
>>>> inspect instead of having *one* single snort process (single-threaded) 
>>>> trying to cope with 800 Mbps.
>>>> (the problem I'm trying to solve is utilizing all cpu's. Currently one cpu 
>>>> runs snort at 100% while all the other cpu's idle.)
>>>> The important thing though is that all packets in the connection need to 
>>>> be diverted to the same virtual NIC. You can't send the SYN to NIC0 and 
>>>> the SYN-ACK to NIC1, 'cause then neither snort-process-0 nor 
>>>> snort-process-1 see the other side of the connection.
>>>> The loadbalancing must be based on a hash built from at least the 
>>>> mac-addresses+IP-addresses.
>>>> So, what I think I'm looking for is a way to configure a lagg0 interface 
>>>> in loadbalance mode, that take all the incoming traffic on mon0 and 
>>>> distribute it over four virtual member NICs. (these four NICs would then 
>>>> probably be configured to run in monitor mode.)
>>>> Do FreeBSD support what I'm looking for? How do I do it? Where should I 
>>>> look?
>>>> /Elof
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>>> Since this is below one Gig, would running separate snort processes on
>>> mon0 and using a BPF filter to split traffic work?
>>> --Nikolay
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