On 04/09/2014 20:48, Adrian Chadd wrote:

The only time this has happened to me is because the card overheated.
Can you check that?
Hi Adrian,

The room where the equipment is located is very cold but I'll check it out.
Also seen at the time of the problem, a lot of dropped packets.

# netstat -idn
ix0 1500 <Link#9> a0:36:9f:2a:6d:ac 18446743423829095869 159 750924631703 53285910688 0 0 0 ix0 - fe80::a236:9f fe80::a236:9fff:f 0 - - 2 - - - ix1 1500 <Link#10> a0:36:9f:2a:6d:ae 18446743954328745465 0 119550050209 20178077451 0 0 0 ix1 - fe80::a236:9f fe80::a236:9fff:f 0 - - 1 - - -

119550050209 droped packets on ix1 and 750924631703 droped on ix0

Could be interesting I upgrade to10.1-PRERELEASE?
Could there be a problem with the driver?

Traffic on ix0: 1.4Gbps output / 600Mbps input
Traffic on ix1: 1.2Gbps output

PPS on ix0: 163Kpps output / 215Kpps input
PPS on ix1: 131Kpps output

Thanks for your help.


On 4 September 2014 16:14, Marcelo Gondim <gon...@bsdinfo.com.br> wrote:
Hi All,

I have an Intel X520-SR2and today was working when all traffic stopped.
I looked in the logs and found this message:

Sep  4 18:29:53 rt01 kernel: ix1:
Sep  4 18:29:53 rt01 kernel: CRITICAL: ECC ERROR!! Please Reboot!!

# uname -a
FreeBSD rt01.xxxxx.com.br 10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #10 r267839: Thu
Jul 10 15:35:04 BRT 2014
r...@rt01.xxxxx.com.br:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GONDIM10  amd64

# netstat -m
98324/53476/151800 mbufs in use (current/cache/total)
98301/44951/143252/1014370 mbuf clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
98301/44897 mbuf+clusters out of packet secondary zone in use
0/421/421/507184 4k (page size) jumbo clusters in use
0/0/0/150276 9k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
0/0/0/84530 16k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
221183K/104955K/326138K bytes allocated to network (current/cache/total)
0/0/0 requests for mbufs denied (mbufs/clusters/mbuf+clusters)
0/0/0 requests for mbufs delayed (mbufs/clusters/mbuf+clusters)
0/0/0 requests for jumbo clusters delayed (4k/9k/16k)
0/0/0 requests for jumbo clusters denied (4k/9k/16k)
0 requests for sfbufs denied
0 requests for sfbufs delayed
0 requests for I/O initiated by sendfile

Best regards,


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