On Monday, June 23, 2014 1:12:54 pm Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> On 23/06/14 18:49, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:
> > On 23.06.2014 20:39, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:
> >> On 23.06.2014 19:32, John Baldwin wrote:
> >>> On Friday, June 20, 2014 11:25:51 am Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> >>>> Hello,
> >>>>
> >>>> I've stumbled across the following panic when testing Xen netback with 
> >>>> if_bridge:
> >>>>
> >>>> Kernel page fault with the following non-sleepable locks held:
> >>>> exclusive sleep mutex if_bridge (if_bridge) r = 0 (0xfffff80006306c18) 
> >>> locked @ /usr/src/sys/m
> >>>> KDB: stack backtrace:
> >>>> X_db_symbol_values() at X_db_symbol_values+0x10b/frame 0xfffffe0000213490
> >>>> kdb_backtrace() at kdb_backtrace+0x39/frame 0xfffffe0000213540
> >>>> witness_warn() at witness_warn+0x4a8/frame 0xfffffe0000213600
> >>>> trap() at trap+0xc9d/frame 0xfffffe00002136a0
> >>>> trap() at trap+0x669/frame 0xfffffe00002138b0
> >>>> calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00002138b0
> >>>> --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff8221a0ef, rsp = 0xfffffe0000213970, rbp = 
> >>> 0xfffffe00002139e0 ---
> >>>> bridge_input() at bridge_input+0x5ff/frame 0xfffffe00002139e0
> >>>> ether_vlanencap() at ether_vlanencap+0x4a3/frame 0xfffffe0000213a10
> >>>> netisr_dispatch_src() at netisr_dispatch_src+0x90/frame 
> >>>> 0xfffffe0000213a80
> >>>> ether_ifattach() at ether_ifattach+0x19f/frame 0xfffffe0000213ab0
> >>>> ath_dfs_get_thresholds() at ath_dfs_get_thresholds+0x81ce/frame 
> >>> 0xfffffe0000213b30
> >>>> intr_event_execute_handlers() at intr_event_execute_handlers+0x93/frame 
> >>> 0xfffffe0000213b70
> >>>> db_dump_intr_event() at db_dump_intr_event+0x796/frame 0xfffffe0000213bb0
> >>>> fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x84/frame 0xfffffe0000213bf0
> >>>> fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0000213bf0
> >>>> --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0xfffffe0000213cb0, rbp = 0 ---
> >>>>
> >>>> I've tracked this down to if_detach_internal setting ifp->if_addr to 
> >>>> NULL before calling EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(ifnet_departure_event..., which 
> >>>> causes a panic in GRAB_OUR_PACKETS in the if_bridge code when it tries 
> >>>> to perform IF_LLADDR on an interface that's in the process of being 
> >>>> destroyed (ifp->if_addr set to NULL, but the ifnet_departure_event event 
> >>>> has not fired yet).
> >>>>
> >>>> I have the following naive patch that moves the firing of the event 
> >>>> before if_addr is set to NULL, but I'm not familiar with the ordering 
> >>>> in if_detach_internal, so I'm not sure if this might cause problems in 
> >>>> other parts of the code, could someone familiar with the net stuff 
> >>>> comment on the best way to deal with it?
> >>
> >> We should notify kernel customers only when we are really taking this
> >> interface down and every other subsystem cannot add any new state to the
> >> interface.
> >>
> >> In this patch you're sending notification before taking ifnet down,
> >> removing its L3 addresses, routes, and so on.
> >>
> >> This can easily lead to panic in, for example, BPF subsystem (since BPF
> >> state is freed in bpf_ifdetach() handler).
> >>
> >> Addintionally, this will introduce ifaddr / iface messages reversal for
> >> rtsock.
> > Whoops. I misread the patch.
> > It should be OK.
> > 
> >>
> >> It looks like we'd better fix if_bridge (and it is still using mutexes,
> >> what a shame!).
> >>
> >> Can you send me trace with line numbers?
> > However, these two still stands.
> > (And I'm wondering how you're getting any traffic on down/dying interface).
> I'm not getting the traffic from the dying interface, I'm getting the
> traffic from another interface on the bridge (a physical bce interface),
> which injects traffic into the bridge, that calls bridge_input, which
> tries to read ifp->if_addr->ifa_addr from the dying interface, and that
> leads to the panic.
> Line numbers:
> /usr/src/sys/modules/if_bridge/../../net/if_bridge.c:2410 (bridge_input)
> /usr/src/sys/net/if_ethersubr.c:543 (ether_input_internal)
> /usr/src/sys/net/netisr.c:972 (netisr_dispatch_src)
> /usr/src/sys/net/if_ethersubr.c:674 (ether_input)
> /usr/src/sys/dev/bce/if_bce.c:6861 (bce_rx_intr)

I think this certainly suggests moving at least the eventhandler up so that
things like vlans and bridges can detach from an interface while it is still
constructed.  I do think it would be ideal to move all three notifications
to the same place though.  (So your original patch plus moving the
routing socket message.)

John Baldwin
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