On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Robert Huff <roberth...@rcn.com> wrote:
>         [Please keep me CC'd as I am not subscribed.  Thanks.]
>         I have a system, running r263263, where dhclient is misbehaving.
> (Yes - this is CURRENT, but I have no reason to believe this inherently a
> version-specific issue.  I am also on current@, and nothing like this has
> been reported.)
>         The system has an Intel Pro/1000 ethernet card, "em0", connected to
> a Arris CM820 cable modem.
>         This is the relevant portion of dhclient.conf:
> http://users.rcn.com/dhclient.conf

File not found

>         Upon execution, I get this:
> http://users.rcn.com/roberthuff/dhcp_offer

You're getting on offer on a completely different network than that
where the dhcp server resides.  That's weird.  Do you expect that to

>         but then:
> http://users.rcn.com/roberthuff/dhc_ifconfig
>         "netstat -r" also shows no gateway.
>         However, when I look at dhclient.leases:
> http://users.rcn.com/roberthuff/dhclient.leases.em0

This file is empty.  Is it supposed to be?

>         I get the machine working by configuring the relevant data manually.
>         I have no idea where to start trying to figure this out; this have
> "just worked" for so long.
>         Help please?

Try running "service netif stop em0" to stop the background dhclient
process.  Then run "dhclient -d" to force it to remain in the
foreground, and see if it prints any useful debugging info.  It might
also be useful to run "tcpdump -i em0 host" in another terminal.

>         Respectfully,
>                                 Robert Huff

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