On 28.08.2013 20:30, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:
Hello list!

Hello Alexander,

you sent quite a few things in the same email.  I'll try to respond
as much as I can right now.  Later you should split it up to have
more in-depth discussions on the individual parts.

If you could make it to the EuroBSDcon 2013 DevSummit that would be
even more awesome.  Most of the active network stack people will be
there too.

There is a lot constantly raising  discussions related to networking stack 

I'll try to summarize current problems and possible solutions from my point of 
(Generally this is one problem: stack is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, but we 
need to know why and
what to do).

Compared to others its not thaaaaaaat slow. ;)

Let's start with current IPv4 packet flow on a typical router:

(I'm sorry I can't provide this as text since Visio don't have any 'ascii-art' 

Note that we are using process-to-completion model, e.g. process any packet in 
ISR until it is either
consumed by L4+ stack or dropped or put to egress NIC queue.

(There is also deferred ISR model implemented inside netisr but it does not 
change much:
it can help to do more fine-grained hashing (for GRE or other similar traffic), 
1) it uses per-packet mutex locking which kills all performance
2) it currently does not have _any_ hashing functions (see absence of flags in 
`netstat -Q`)
People using http://static.ipfw.ru/patches/netisr_ip_flowid.diff (or modified 
PPPoe/GRE version)
report some profit, but without fixing (1) it can't help much

So, let's start:

1) Ixgbe uses mutex to protect each RX ring which is perfectly fine since there 
is nearly no contention
(the only thing that can happen is driver reconfiguration which is rare and, 
more signifficant, we
do this once
for the batch of packets received in given interrupt). However, due to some 
(im)possible deadlocks
current code
does per-packet ring unlock/lock (see ixgbe_rx_input()).
There was a discussion ended with nothing:

1*) Possible BPF users. Here we have one rlock if there are any readers present
(and mutex for any matching packets, but this is more or less OK. Additionally, 
there is WIP to
implement multiqueue BPF
and there is chance that we can reduce lock contention there).

Rlock to rmlock?

There is also an "optimize_writers" hack permitting applications
like CDP to use BPF as writers but not registering them as receivers (which 
implies rlock)

I believe longer term we should solve this with a protocol type "ethernet"
so that one can send/receive ethernet frames through a normal socket.

2/3) Virtual interfaces (laggs/vlans over lagg and other simular constructions).
Currently we simply use rlock to make s/ix0/lagg0/ and, what is much more funny 
- we use complex
vlan_hash with another rlock to
get vlan interface from underlying one.

This is definitely not like things should be done and this can be changed more 
or less easily.


There are some useful terms/techniques in world of software/hardware routing: 
they have clear
'control plane' and 'data plane' separation.
Former one is for dealing control traffic (IGP, MLD, IGMP snooping, lagg 
hellos, ARP/NDP, etc..) and
some data traffic (packets with TTL=1, with options, destined to hosts without 
ARP/NDP record, and
similar). Latter one is done in hardware (or effective software implementation).
Control plane is responsible to provide data for efficient data plane 
operations. This is the point
we are missing nearly everywhere.


What I want to say is: lagg is pure control-plane stuff and vlan is nearly the 
same. We can't apply
this approach to complex cases like 
but we definitely can do this for most common setups like (igb* or ix* in lagg 
with or without vlans
on top of lagg).


We already have some capabilities like VLANHWFILTER/VLANHWTAG, we can add some 
more. We even have
per-driver hooks to program HW filtering.

We could.  Though for vlan it looks like it would be easier to remove the
hardware vlan tag stripping and insertion.  It only adds complexity in all
drivers for no gain.

One small step to do is to throw packet to vlan interface directly (P1), 
proof-of-concept(working in

Another is to change lagg packet accounting:
Again, this is more like HW boxes do (aggregate all counters including errors) 
(and I can't imagine
what real error we can get from _lagg_).
4) If we are router, we can do either slooow ip_input() -> ip_forward() -> 
ip_output() cycle or use
optimized ip_fastfwd() which falls back to 'slow' path for 
multicast/options/local traffic (e.g.
works exactly like 'data plane' part).
(Btw, we can consider net.inet.ip.fastforwarding to be turned on by default at 
least for non-IPSEC


Here we have to determine if this is local packet or not, e.g. F(dst_ip) 
returning 1 or 0. Currently
we are simply using standard rlock + hash of iface addresses.
(And some consumers like ipfw(4) do the same, but without lock).
We don't need to do this! We can build sorted array of IPv4 addresses or other 
efficient structure
on every address change and use it unlocked with delayed garbage collection 
(proof-of-concept attached)

I'm a bit uneasy with unlocked access.  On very weakly ordered architectures
this could trip over cache coherency issues.  A rmlock is essentially for free
in the read case.

(There is another thing to discuss: maybe we can do this once somewhere in 
ip_input and mark mbuf as
'local/non-local' ? )

The problem is packet filters may change the destination address and thus
can invalidate such a lookup.

5, 9) Currently we have L3 ingress/egress PFIL hooks protected by rmlocks. This 
is OK.

However, 6) and 7) are not.
Firewall can use the same pfil lock as reader protection without imposing its 
own lock. currently
pfil&ipfw code is ready to do this.

The problem with the global pfil rmlock is the comparatively long time it
is held in a locked state.  Also packet filters may have to acquire additional
locks when they have to modify state tables.  Rmlocks are not made for that
because they pin the thread to the cpu they're currently on.  This is what
Gleb is complaining about.

My idea is to hold the pfil rmlock only for the lookup of the first/next
packet filter that will run, not for the entire duration.  That would solve
the problem.  However packets filter then have to use their own locks again,
which could be rmlock too.

8) Radix/rt* api. This is probably the worst place in entire stack. It is toooo 
generic, tooo slow
and buggy (do you use IPv6? you definitely know what I'm talking about).
A) It really is too generic and assumption that it can be (effectively) used 
for every family is
wrong. Two examples:
we don't need to lookup all 128 bits of IPv6 address. Subnets with mask >/64 
are not used widely
(actually the only reason to use them are p2p links due to ND potential 
One of common solutions is to lookup 64bits, and build another trie (or other 
structure) in case of
Another example is MPLS where we can simply do direct array lookup based on 
ingress label.

Yes.  While we shouldn't throw it out, it should be run as RIB and
allow a much more protocol specific FIB for the hot packet path.

B) It is terribly slow (AFAIR luigi@ did some performance management, numbers 
available in one of
netmap pdfs)

Again not thaaaat slow but inefficient enough.

C) It is not multipath-capable. Stateful (and non-working) multipath is 
definitely not the right way.


8*) rtentry
We are doing it wrong.
Currently _every_ lookup locks/unlocks given rte twice.
First lock is related to and old-old story for trusting IP redirects (and 
auto-adding host routes
for them). Hopefully currently it is disabled automatically when you turn 
forwarding on.

They're disabled.

The second one is much more complicated: we are assuming that rte's with 
non-zero refcount value can
stop egress interface from being destroyed.
This is wrong (but widely used) assumption.

Not really.  The reason for the refcount is not the ifp reference but
other code parts that may hold direct pointers to the rtentry and do
direct dereferencing to access information in it.

We can use delayed GC instead of locking for rte's and this won't break things 
more than they are
broken now (patch attached).

Nope.  Delayed GC is not the way to go here.  To do away with rtentry
locking and refcounting we have change rtalloc(9) to return the information
the caller wants (e.g. ifp, ia, others) and not the rtentry address anymore.
So instead of rtalloc() we have rtlookup().

We can't do the same for ifp structures since
a) virtual ones can assume some state in underlying physical NIC
b) physical ones just _can_ be destroyed (maybe regardless of user wants this 
or not, like: SFP
being unplugged from NIC) or simply lead to kernel crash due to SW/HW 

Here I actually believe we can do a GC or stable storage based approach.
Ifp pointers are kept in too many places and properly refcounting it is
very (too) hard.  So whenever an interface gets destroyed or disappears
it's callable function pointers are replaced with dummies returning an
error.  The ifp in memory will stay for some time and even may be reused
for another new interface later again (Cisco does it that way in their IOS).

One of possible solution is to implement stable refcounts based on PCPU 
counters, and apply thos
counters to ifp, but seem to be non-trivial.

Another rtalloc(9) problem is the fact that radix is used as both 'control 
plane' and 'data plane'
structure/api. Some users always want to put more information in rte, while 
want to make rte more compact. We just need _different_ structures for that.


Feature-rich, lot-of-data control plane one (to store everything we want to 
store, including, for
example, PID of process originating the route) - current radix can be modified 
to do this.
And address-family-depended another structure (array, trie, or anything) which 
contains _only_ data
necessary to put packet on the wire.


11) arpresolve. Currently (this was decoupled in 8.x) we have
a) ifaddr rlock
b) lle rlock.

We don't need those locks.
We need to
a) make lle layer per-interface instead of global (and this can also solve 
multiple fibs and L2
mappings done in fib.0 issue)


b) use rtalloc(9)-provided lock instead of separate locking

No.  Interface rmlock.

c) actually, we need to do rewrite this layer because
d) lle actually is the place to do real multipath:

No, you can do multipath through more than one interface.  If lle is
per interface that wont work and is not the right place.

you have rte pointing to some special nexthop structure pointing to lle, which 
has the following data:
num_of_egress_ifaces: [ifindex1, ifindex2, ifindex3] | L2 data to prepend to 
Separate post will follow.

This should be part of the RIB/FIB and select on of the ifp+nexthops
to return on lookup.

With the following, we can achieve lagg traffic distribution without actually 
using lagg_transmit
and similar stuff (at least in most common scenarious)

This seems to be a rather nasty layering violation.

(for example, TCP output definitely can benefit from this, since we can account 
flowid once for TCP
session and use in in every mbuf)
So. Imagine we have done all this. How we can estimate the difference?

There was a thread, started a year ago, describing 'stock' performance and 
difference for various
It is done on 8.x, however I've got similar results on recent 9.x



2xE5645 @ Intel 82599 NIC.
Kernel: FreeBSD-8-S r237994, stock drivers, stock routing, no FLOWTABLE, no 
firewallIxia XM2
(traffic generator) <> ix0 (FreeBSD). Ixia sends 64byte IP packets from vlan10 
( - to destinations in vlan11 ( - Static 
arps are configured
for all destination addresses. Traffic level is slightly above or slightly 
below system performance.

we start from 1.4MPPS (if we are using several routes to minimize mutex 

My 'current' result for the same test, on same HW, with the following 

* 1) ixgbe per-packet ring unlock removed
* P1) ixgbe is modified to do direct vlan input (so 2,3 are not used)
* 4) separate lockless in_localip() version
* 6) - using existing pfil lock
* 7) using lockless version
* 8) radix converted to use rmlock instead of rlock. Delayed GC is used instead 
of mutexes
* 10) - using existing pfil lock
* 11) using radix lock to do arpresolve(). Not using lle rlock

(so the rmlocks are the only locks used on data path).

Additionally, ipstat counters are converted to PCPU (no real performance 
ixgbe does not do per-packet accounting (as in head).
if_vlan counters are converted to PCPU
lagg is converted to rmlock, per-packet accounting is removed (using stat from 
underlying interfaces)
lle hash size is bumped to 1024 instead of 32 (not applicable here, but slows 
things down for large
L2 domains)

The result is 5.6 MPPS for single port (11 cores) and 6.5MPPS for lagg (16 
cores), nearly the same
for HT on and 22 cores.

That's quite good, but we want more. ;)

while Intel DPDK claims 80MPPS (and 6windgate talks about 160 or so) on the 
same-class hardware and
_userland_ forwarding.

Those numbers sound a bit far out.  Maybe if the packet isn't touched
or looked at at all in a pure netmap interface to interface bridging
scenario.  I don't believe these numbers.

One of key features making all such products possible (DPDK, netmap, 
packetshader, Cisco SW
forwarding) - is use of batching instead of process-to-completion model.
Batching mitigates locking cost, batching does not wash out CPU cache, and so 

The work has to be done eventually.  Batching doesn't relieve from it.
IMHO batch moving is only the last step would should look at.  It makes
the stack rather complicated and introduces other issues like packet

So maybe we can consider passing batches from NIC to at least L2 layer with 
netisr? or even up to
ip_input() ?

And then?  You probably won't win much in the end (if the lock path
is optimized).

Another question is about making some sort of reliable GC like ("passive 
serialization" or other
similar not-to-pronounce-words about Linux and lockless objects).

Rmlocks are our secret weapon and just as good.

P.S. Attached patches are 1) for 8.x 2) mostly 'hacks' showing roughly how can 
this be done and what
benefit can be achieved.


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