On 07.08.2013 09:18, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 5:26 AM, Mike Karels <m...@karels.net
<mailto:m...@karels.net>> wrote:
Jumping to (near) the end of the thread, I like most of Andre's proposal.
Running with minimal locks at this layer is an admirable goal, and I agree
with most of what was said. I have a few observations on the general
or related issues:
There was mention of taskqueues. I think that with MSI-X, taskqueues
should not be needed or used. More specifically, having separate ithreads
and taskqueues, with ithreads deferring to taskqueues after some limit,
sense only for MSI and legacy interrupts. With MSI-X, an interrupt thread
should be able to process packets indefinitely with sufficient CPU
and there is no reason to context switch to a different thread periodically.
A periodic "yield" might be reasonable, but if it is necessary, small packet
performance will suffer. However, most of this is internal to the driver.
i am not completely clear on what is the difference between ithreads and
The difference between ithreads and taskqueues is actually very small and
mostly in
name and how they're set up and kicked off when work is to be done. Both are
kernel threads. Most of the confusion, also in Mikes response, seems to come
the name ithreads for interrupt-threads. However an ithread is not running in
interrupt context, only the interrupt handler (called filter) does. Scheduling
taskqueue from an ithread is a bit round-about but commonly done. The
man page isn't helping to clear up the confusion.
The idea is that a (legacy) interrupt is handled in two stages: 1) a small
reading the hardware interrupt status register to determine if this hardware
raised an interrupt, and acknowledge it (to prevent additional interrupts from
while this one is handled). If it wasn't this card, it hands off to the
handler if
this interrupt line is shared; 2) the actual function/thread handling the data
was indicated by the interrupt. Only step 1 runs in interrupt context and thus
be very small and avoid any form of blocking. Step 2 is a normal kernel thread
up as an ithread running at an elevated priority compared to user-space
MSI and MSI-X always are exclusive and non-shared interrupts. Thus a handler
in interrupt context isn't necessary for non-legacy interrupt sources. The
ithread can
be scheduled right away to do its work.
Also, Andre's proposal requires to force-kill the ithread, but i am unclear on
how to do it
safely (i.e. without leaving the data structures in some inconsistent state),
unless ithread
periodically yields the CPU when it is in a safe state. While this is internal
to the driver,
we should probably provide some template code to avoid that each driver
its own way to shutdown the ithread.
Yes, when done a well-tested, stable and performant template will be provided.
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