On 25.07.2013 12:46, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
Hello, Freebsd-net.
I have 9.1-STABLE r253105 system, which started to flood logs with
"sonewconn: pcb 0xfffffe0053916dc8: Listen queue overflow: 193 already in
queue awaiting acceptance" messages (there are thousnds of it, if you take
"last message was repeated 600 times" in account).
Nothing was changed in settings for long time.
How could I determine, which connections (listen port, at least) cause
these messages?
This means the rate of incoming connection attempts is grater than the speed
of the application accepting them. Typically you either suffer from a DoS
attack or your server is undersized for the amount of traffic it is receiving.
A change to rate-limit the number of these messages is in the works to prevent
it filling from the logs too fast.
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