Ironically, the win 7 host is using an "em" series card. Specifically, an Intel "Gigabit CT". It is configured in vlan mode and the VMWare bridged connection is connected to a VLAN.
Regardless, tho, Intel's own drivers are usually not this bad --- and the driver is up-to-date. On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Kevin Day <> wrote: > Sorry for the slow reply. > > We run mainly ESXi (the bare metal version of VMware, not the desktop > versions) but I do remember seeing something sort of similar on a desktop > version ages ago. Basically we narrowed it down to a Windows driver bug on > the host system's ethernet card. It was basically reflecting back > everything it transmitted into the receive queue. This was before IPv6 was > in use here, but I remember it breaking a file sharing protocol (SMB? AFP?) > that also didn't like seeing its own multicasts/broadcasts echoed back to > itself. > > By any chance is this on a system using WiFi rather than wired ethernet? > Many routers/access points/wifi adapters have problems with the idea of > VMware's "bridged mode" networking - they expect only one MAC per station > and do not do the right thing in some places. > > I don't have an answer for you, but I'd look at the physical networking > card/adapter on the host OS first if I were troubleshooting this. Updated > driver/replace with something else/etc. > > -- Kevin > > On Jul 23, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Zaphod Beeblebrox <> wrote: > > > What to do when you don't trust the interface? VMWare is obviously > emulating the hardware and their interpretation of what the hardware "is" > is possibly different from ours. > > > > If I boot single-user and tcpdump the interface, I see two transmitted > solicitations. The kernel claims to have sent one. > > > > My concern: is the vmware interface reflecting the solicitation packet > because it is a broadcast packet? > > > > To determine this, I've gone over the tcpdump and pcap-filter man pages > to look for a way to only dump packets leaving from or arriving at an > interface. Can this be done? > > > > If VMWare is reflecting the packet back, I'm curious as to how we can > fix this. > > > > _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""