On 4/20/2013 11:01 PM, Karl Denninger wrote:
> On 4/20/2013 9:36 PM, Karl Denninger wrote:
>> I don't think so -- gre is not involved in the config.
>> On 4/20/2013 7:59 PM, Steven Hartland wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl Denninger" <k...@denninger.net>
>>> ...
>>>> My "ordinary" NAT entry is simply "nat 1 ip from any to any via em1",
>>>> which works fine for ordinary "on the client" traffic; no problems with
>>>> that.
>>> ...
>>> Just a stab in the dark, as I vaguely remember something similar, do you
>>> also need to configure your nat for gre as well as ip?
>>>    Regards
>>>    Steve
> I traced this down a bit further -- it's more odd than I thought.
> The packets are coming from the OTHER END'S native IP number!  That's
> why I couldn't find them.
> If I point the DNS server at the external gateway IP in the strongswan
> config file I immediately start getting complaints in the logs, but
> they're coming from the external IP Address -- NOT THE TUNNEL ADDRESS. 
> It looks like contrary to my previous expectations the tunnel address is
> pretty-much irrelevant, so long as it's not an address in use elsewhere
> (which implies I should use something like 10.x.x.x for it.)
> If I'm reading the IPSEC documentation on how tunnel mode works
> correctly this is what's supposed to happen -- the tunnel is a pure
> encapsulation+encryption; it is stripped and the original packet (which
> was encrypted) then decoded, and voila -- the packet appears exactly as
> if it was presented "raw" from the other end.  So it appears it's
> working, but this is VERY different than what I'm used to seeing from
> PPTP/LT2P.    This does not explain why I thought I had full access to
> the internal LAN -- it is rather clear now that I do not.
> In other words:
> [root@NewFS /usr/local/etc]# ipsec status
> Security Associations (1 up, 0 connecting):
>       remote[1]: ESTABLISHED 16 minutes ago,
>       remote{1}:  INSTALLED, TUNNEL, ESP in UDP SPIs: c2ecb09f_i ae9d3747_o
>       remote{1}: ===
> The packets are coming from the underlined/bolded IP number once they're
> decoded and presented in the local system!  What I'm getting in the log
> with the DNS IP defined as the external IP of the gateway machine is this:
> Apr 20 22:54:41 NewFS named[3775]: client query
> (cache) 'imap.gmail.com/A/IN' denied
> That won't work because the external address is configured to refuse to
> respond to anything other than known secondary DNS servers.  But it
> explains where my packets are disappearing to -- they're being emitted
> from IPSEC on the gateway under the client's public IP number.
> I'm getting more confused rather than more enlightened here....  What I
> THOUGHT I should be seeing are packets, once decoded, coming from the
> tunnel IP.
> Nope.

Further update on this -- I got it.

StrongSwan is a bit confusing, but I got it figured out.  I'll write it
up in the next few days once I condense it all down.  Everything is
working in tunnel/transport mode and it's FAST.

-- Karl Denninger
/The Market Ticker ®/ <http://market-ticker.org>
Cuda Systems LLC
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