Hi Folks,

I have a server with a 10G intel card, X520-DA2, and it is working
fine, interface shows up as ix0

On this card, I have one interface connected at 10G, and it has 2
vlans on it (no "plain" IP is on the machine or on this card, only via
these vlans)

I have it also configured them with setfib on rc.local, so each vlan
is on your own fib and sees a different default gateway etc.

I removed the other net and gateway from the FIBs, so one FIB has to
go to the gateway in order to reach the other vlan.

I can ssh to the vlan10 fine ... and I can even do iperf  UDP tests
between the two vlans, but TCP does not work... and I keep getting
these messages:

kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for

I already removed IPFW from the kernel, (saw some reference to that
being the culprit), so there is no firewall right now.

This is now on FreeBSD 8 STABLE ( to be more exact: 8.4-beta-1) and it
was before on 9.1, both have the same problem. I also tried something
I saw on a list, hard coding ixgbe_num_queues, but made no difference

Any ideias are appreciated.

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