On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 11:08:50AM +0600, Eugene M. Zheganin wrote:
> Hi.
> On 07.03.2013 8:24, YongHyeon PYUN wrote:
> >What was previous SVN revision number on that machine?
> >The support for 5718/5719/5720 was merged to stable/8 about 3
> >months ago.
> >
> It was definitely older than "months". It was running something similar 
> to  "FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #0: Mon Sep 19 08:10:00 YEKST 2011", this is the 
> uname from a neighbor machine.
> I have, as I said, identical servers running FreeBSD. Here are some of 
> the unames that I don't see timeouts on:
> 8.3-STABLE #2: Wed Aug 29 13:00:02 YEKT 2012 (up 187 days)
> 8.3-PRERELEASE #1: Thu Mar 29 16:14:11 MSK 2012 (up 15 days, previous 
> uptime around 180 days)

These servers do not have 5718/5719/5720 changes.

> 8.2-STABLE #0: Wed Dec 14 16:56:11 YEKT 2011 (up 99 days)

This server has the bge(4) change but it didn't trigger watchdog
timeouts.  Does this server use the same controller? If yes, the
issue didn't come from bge(4) change.
> One more question:  could it be a zfs-related issue ? Some kernel-level 
> locking ? All of those run zfs also (no ufs at all).

Sorry I have no idea on ZFS.
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