> > V>
> > V> Could this be
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/sys/netinet/in.c?r1=226120&r2=22622
> 4&pathrev=226331
> >
> > Why do you suspect this one?
> I was hitting a similar issue in 8.2. After down/up on the interface
> to the default gateway, I saw this message and arpresolve would never
> complete. I was able to step through gdb to see that the RTF_GATEWAY
> check was causing the problem.

Do you have more specific information, e.g., the IP address that ARP was
trying to resolve, and the route entry key the validation was performed
against ?

It's not clear from the above why the check would fail. As far as I can
tell this commit should not break the interface route check for L2

If anything I'd be suspecting 


However, I need more information to get a better understanding
on what failed in your case.


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