I've looked through the list of network interfaces that are
supported with FreeBSD and none seem to meet my needs. What
I want is a network interface that I can configure up in
jail A with address and for which I can configure
a mate in jail B with the address and use the
network interface as the means by which two jails can
directly communicate with each other without the need to
send any packets out of the machine. Or another way to do
this would be to have a virtual network (something like the
"internal network" that VirtualBox has or the host only
network supported by VMWware Workstation) defined somewhere
and for there to be a specific driver that could be
configured and attached to a jail and that virtual network
so that you could have N:M communication between jails.

Is what I'm looking for already present and google is failing
me or is the above functionality the basis for future work,
be it planned or otherwise?


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