On 2/17/12 7:48 AM, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:53 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
M> Thoughts, feedback and suggestion are welcome,
Is it possible to make the structure the driver points to opaque?
Once made, that would allow us to hack on the ifnet (or on its
successor - iflogical) more aggressively without breaking ABI/API.
Yes, that's the idea. Backward compatibility kinda conflicts
with making struct ifnet entirely abstract, but I don't see
that as a problem without solution. Only as a problem for
which an acceptable solution must be found.
For example: you can introduce a define that either old or
new drivers use to indicate whether they need full visibility
or whether an abstract type works. This then drives what is
defined/declared and how it's defined/declared.
The trouble is that core debugging is not doable via methods
netstat -i | -I interface [-abdhntW] [-f address_family] [-M core]
[-N system]
becomes much more difficult to achieve.
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