On 11. Feb 2012, at 08:35 , Julian Elischer wrote:

> On 2/8/12 1:28 PM, Joe Holden wrote:
>> Julian Elischer wrote:
>>> On 2/8/12 1:08 PM, Joe Holden wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> The maximum fibs is currently 16 due to an mbuf limitation I believe? Is 
>>>> there any scope for the number being increased?
>>> it was designed to be able to be expanable... there is only the one place.
>>> there are upcoming FIB changes and it may be a good oportunity to change 
>>> this in 10..
>> aha, I was under the impression that it was limited due to mbuf size, not 
>> sure where I read that - think it was a commit from a while back.
> you are correct.. the one limitation is the mbufs
> but we can maybe change the mbuf layout a little in 10
> which will allow for more FIBs

We are basically waiting for someone to touch mbufs for real and to be able
to do the full performance re-evaluation but I guess we'd also like to have
the secondary zone to die etc all in the same go...

Meanwhile updating the limit locally isn't too hard; it's a couple of line


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 You have to have visions!
   It does not matter how good you are. It matters what good you do!

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