
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Dmukha Nikolay <cosmi...@yandex.by> wrote:
> Hello.
> Please, help me to setup this sheme:
> *******************************************************
> comp1                       comp2
>  |                           |
>  |                           |
> dgs3627g(24)-----------(12)dgs3612g
>  |(21)                    (9)|
>  |______freebsd bridge_______|
> *******************************************************
> Devices are:
> Dlink DGS3627G (FW 2.84-B25), Dlink DGS3612G (FW 2.84-B25), FreeBSD (8.0 
> stable 201105).
> The main target is to reserve the FreeBsd bridge. The priority route for 
> traffic from comp 1 to comp 2 is freebsd. When the server (freebsd bridge) is 
> down, traffic should go through the direct link between switches. I want to 
> reserve 3 freebsd bridges.
what do you mean by "I want to reserve 3 freebsd bridges" ?

> So it`s necessary to use MSTP technology.
Does it ? I only see a single VLAN in your setup, which limits MSTP utility.

FreeBSD does not support MSTP. In presence of MSTP-enabled bridges, it
will fall back to RSTP mode, and only see the CIST. I an not sure how
the CIST is exactly built in such a mixed environment.

 - Arnaud
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