On 6. Jan 2012, at 15:35 , Ed Maste wrote:

> Yes, your testing clearly demonstrates some kernel issues here.  I'll
> see if I can find someone to investigate (or can help guide further
> debugging).
> Thanks again for the effort here so far.

I am still having trouble with the table (as I had with the original mail,
which was just too long - as is the table).

The bottom lines are:

0) Drop all test cases with the sysctl turned off (they should dtrt also
   w/o the sysctl).  It should be a SADB policy && socket option decision
   (depending on direction).

1) there is a problem in _syncache_add leading to the wrong behaviour in
   situations in respond.

2) there is another problem I haven't looked at where to say it is,
   basically related to the way we decide to treat (0) (but also in the
   other direction)

3) there is a problem of not properly checking an error case in tcp_subr.c
   at one point but would be void if (0/2) was done right in both directions.

If you can wait till early next week I might have a patch that cleans
parts of this up in general and we can go from there?


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 You have to have visions!
   It does not matter how good you are. It matters what good you do!
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