
On Sunday 27 November 2011 22:13:42 LinuxIsOne wrote:
> Well, I am basically a Windows convert, but very frankly saying that: I am
> new to the world of Linux. So I should use FreeBSD or something easier

as you know already, BSD is not Linux. BSD is part of the original Unix 
development and has a long history. FreeBSD is just one of the modern versions 
of it.

> distribution in the Linux...? Or it is perfectly okay for a newbie to go
> with FreeBSD?

Just take a release and install it. You have the choice between the older 8.2 
version and the real new 9.0. As you are new to FreeBSD, I would recommend the 
8.2 for you.

Let your hardware make the final decision. I use FreeBSD on all machines I 
control except of one. The network card is not supported on this machine. I 
installed Fedora there.

On the long run, you will find it much easier to work with FreeBSD than with 
any other OS. Its structure is so clear and robust that changes to it 
practically do not happen. New versions have extensions to older stuff but they 
do not change older stuff just to change the older stuff. This is the main 
reason for me not to use Linux whenever possible.

It will take some time for you to experience this.

As a Windows user, you will feel like being in paradise.

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