On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 10:46:16 +1000, Mattia Rossi <mro...@swin.edu.au> wrote:
> I'm using the patches from your website on my 8.2 box, which is the IPv6 
> gateway and runs rtadvd. The problem with the resolv.conf is happening 
> on my client though, which is a box running HEAD, so I'll try to follow 
> Doug's advice, thanks.

Yes, you'll need the openresolv config in this case.

Keep in mind that the resolver only queries at most MAXNS nameservers
where MAXNS is usually 3.  Using the openresolv name_servers_append,
you need to make sure that your static servers are listed within the
first MAXNS entries.  If you have more than MAXNS dynamic servers,
your statically configured ones will be ignored.

I would just point out though that, in general, you shouldn't need
static nameservers just because you have a manual IPv4 configuration.
Nameservers will return both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses regardless of
whether they were queried over 4 or 6.  Of course, if you have an
internal nameserver that has private info not available from the
dynamically learned nameservers, then you will need a static config.
> Is there any chance that you could create a patch for 8.2 based on the 
> commits in HEAD?
> That would be great!
Better would be to ask hrs@ to MFC his commits to 8-stable.


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